The Undeniable Strength of a Woman

The strength of a woman is undeniable. We share our stories to uplift, encourage, and inspire the next woman to hold her head up high and give herself permission to feel and embrace her emotions while pressing forward to be all that she has been called to be.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

- Maya Angelou

Jerri St. John, Author

Jerri St. John was born in NJ, raised in CA, and has made her home in Maryland for the past thirty years. She is an empty-nester, married to her best friend, a mother and grandmother.

Jerri has been on her own since the age of sixteen. Having experienced many hardships throughout her life, she has overcome the challenges of depression, morbid obesity, childhood abuse, and domestic violence. Her life’s passion and purpose are inspiring and coaching other women with hope, confidence and love.

As the owner of JewelsfromJerri, LLC, Jerri is a Certified Life Coach, Podcast Host, Social Media Influencer, and Independent Stylist with Color Street, who strives to be a light in the world; spreading joy, hope and positivity. She considers her strong faith, optimism, love of people and her positive outlook to be her greatest strengths. Reach out to Jerri at: or through her website at

Published Books

The Undeniable
Strength of a Woman

Queens Who
Defied The Odds

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